
About Me

Hi I’m Hayley!

Firstly, the boring bit! I started life as a trainee at the end of 2009. Since then, I have qualified as a dental nurse with a Diploma, followed by an OHE course and then was made Head Nurse. I have had experience with many aspects of dentistry including Implant nursing, Orthodontics and cosmetics. I’ve also had managerial roles, provided the in-house training and been infection control lead.

Anyway. One thing I have always enjoyed is training the trainees and seeing them develop. However, I’ve always known that starting life as a trainee nurse is very daunting and could be for their nurse mentor too if they haven’t had experience in training. The awkward period before starting the training course is especially overwhelming for both, because there’s so much to learn but no guidance on where to start. Unfortunately, a reasonable number of trainees give up in the first three months because it wasn’t what they thought, and they felt thrown in at the deep end. 

During the lockdown of March 2020, I used my time to develop the Happy trainee pack which has been more successful than I thought! I’ve had some lovely feedback and it’s been great!

Since then I’ve had a busy year in my personal life with the arrival of my baby girl Ivy in January 2021 and now I’m looking to use my knowledge and any free time I have to expand the resources I can offer.


About My Resources

The Happy Trainee Pack – A 30+ page PDF guide on what to do on induction day, first day, handy hints and tips, treatment set ups, descriptions, decon, charting and much more. Print it and give it to your trainee on their induction day. This guide is in PDF format and can’t be altered. For the one-off payment of £15, you can print it again and again in your practice to use for all future trainees and mentors.

The Infection Control Daily Checklist – For use in the decon room: a word document with all the necessary daily checks pre filled, but you can alter it you suit your practice and equipment. For example you may not have a washer disinfector, or you may have a unique DUWL cleaning system. As we all know, HTM01-05 is the bible BUT manufacturers guidelines will overrule so it is essential that your checklists keep up with the equipment you have. This resource is £5 and has an option to be customised with your practise logo if you so wish.

First Aid Pack – A 7 page pack containing pre filled editable checklists including first aid, medical emergencies, oxygen, drugs, tips on how to be compliant in first aid, and an accident and injury log and a risk assessment template. Available for £10.

Autoclave Logbook – A 3 page resource containing an advice sheet, an editable logbook page and an editable TST strip log. The editable logbook page is prefilled with all the required tests and checks for your autoclave; however you can edit it to suit your autoclave if needed (follow manufacturers guidelines for your autoclave). Purchase once and print the required amount of pages and place them in a folder to form your logbook. Available for £5.

Ultrasonic Logbook – A two page resource containing the ultrasonic logbook page and foil test page. You can edit this if necessary to suit your practice (follow manufacturers guidelines for your equipment). Print as many pages as needed and place in a folder to form your logbook. Available for £5.

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